Our Wedding Venues Mapped

Published by Christopher on

Thinking back on the first few weddings we shot, it’s amazing how vivid those memories are. When filling in the wedding venues we’ve shot over the years there are specific memories for each. Spending 40-100 hours watching couples and families celebrate and create their wedding film is like being a temporary family member.

It’s not until I see how many churches, beaches, cities, and states we’ve been to does it really sink in to how lucky we’ve been. We’ve likely celebrated with 75,000 – 80,000 people. Shot 3-4000 hours of footage and spent tens of thousands of hours editing them. Each year with new customs and styles and each wedding with its own unique personality.

We’ve taken a few minutes and added a couple more years worth of wedding ceremonies and receptions spots. We shifted north to Vermont and South to Virgina as well. Time will tell where we’re heading this year but each year there are some surprises and venues, like backyards that will hold on a single wedding and a backyard that became next year’s hot venue.

We don’t advertise destinations as much but we can travel to or located great talent across the country and the world. So, if you have a Tuscan wedding planned we’ll do it! We need to get an international flair going.


Christopher lives in Vermont with his wife, twin boys, corgi. He has owned a film production company, sold slot machines, and worked for Tony Robbins. He writes in his magical tiny house and sometimes writes in his blog at chrisrodgers.blog


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