Things are heating up

It’s been a relatively quite spring. It’s given me time to check out new equipment and focus a bit on having fun with photography. Here are a couple offerings from the last month or so. I have thousands of pics up on my flickr page. Link is available on the Read more…

Few pics from Cape May

I was able to take a couple days off and enjoy Cape May a bit. I took lots of photos and really taking the time to appreciate digital photography. I am a photographer at heart, so holding a still camera as opposed to video feels nice. You can check out Read more…

Few pics from Cape May

I was able to take a couple days off and enjoy Cape May a bit. I took lots of photos and really taking the time to appreciate digital photography. I am a photographer at heart, so holding a still camera as opposed to video feels nice. You can check out Read more…

It’s been a busy week. My brother is getting married and I had a lot of tech issues so I have nothing new to add so I figured I’d post some recent pics. The first four are from my neighborhood (and my cat/assistant) while the last is a picture I Read more…

It’s been a busy week. My brother is getting married and I had a lot of tech issues so I have nothing new to add so I figured I’d post some recent pics. The first four are from my neighborhood (and my cat/assistant) while the last is a picture I Read more…