

Wedding Vendors: After ten years, we worked with hundreds of vendors, most have been amazing and we’re fortunate to call many friends.


We’d like to especially thank Andy Todes (it’s his photo above) for being a champion of our work. He’s always our first recommendation no matter what state the wedding is held. Watching his style develop over the years has been inspiring to us. There is no better professional in my opinion.

Additionally, I’d like to thank Dollface Studios.  They help us launch many years ago. I know they’ve changed their lineup and their focus a bit but without them, we’ve never had a chance. Also, when we had some tough times personally they were generous with their time and it meant the world to us.

Here are some other vendors we love to work with.  They have a variety of styles, but all are extremely easy to work with and a make even us better!  If you need additional recommendations feel free to email us at