The Busy Seasons – Forever Lucky Films

Published by Christopher on

Wedding Videography Updates

Normally, when summer and fall hit we’re on the road every week heading out to an amazing wedding somewhere in the Northeast.  We’ve been to more places than Starbucks.  Well, this year promises to be all that times two.  We’re combing the busy wedding season with the crazy Midterm Elections hopefully not mixing up the edits!   We’ve pitched some candidates, have a number of jobs lined up and likely going to fill out our wedding dance card in the next few weeks.

We have a number of amazing filmmakers working with us this year.  Even though I (Chris) have taken fewer shoot jobs it’s mainly due to family and creative restraints. The game changes every year.  I love managing the players and playing with the new technologies.  I’m shooting a lot more local work and the Eastern Shore is really an untapped area for the medium to large weddings.   Anyone care to work with us to fix that?

You’ll notice less Facebook postings on our end.  We love it when our couples take over the video and share it everywhere and that’s the love we’re looking for.

You can check out on twitter @_foreverlucky  and we’ll post mostly on there down the road.

Talk Soon!


Categories: Updates


Christopher lives in Vermont with his wife, twin boys, corgi. He has owned a film production company, sold slot machines, and worked for Tony Robbins. He writes in his magical tiny house and sometimes writes in his blog at


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